I would not like to visit the moon. There is no point for me to be there. there is no life on the moon. And without the proper equiptment I can die out there. Unless I had to go there, I would not. We have no business to be on the moon there is nothing out there for us. Upon any condition, my only reason to visit the moon is if was my only way to survive.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Money Making Time
A person my age can do plenty of things to make money. But the best way would be to find a job. Another way to earn money, for example, is by going around selling candy and things of that sort. You can also do chores and your parents may give you an allowance. You can baby sit, or have car washes. peronally I collect any change I find and put in a vase until that vase is full. When the vase is full I go to one of those machines that gives me dollors in exchange for the change. I also recycle bottles and cans and turn them in for money.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Baby Dragon
B: Barbaricly
A: Aroused
B: Beast
Y: Yaff
D: Dangerous
R: Reptiles
R: Reptiles
A: Articulate a
G: Gusto
O: Of
N: Nightmares
Monday, September 27, 2010
Summer or Spring?

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader
If I could be on any game show I would go on "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader", simply because i would like to see if I am smarter than a 5th grader. I think I would do well but the music questions would stump me a bit. the outcome of the show, I believe, would be myself dropping out or failing. I'm more than sure that there will be that one question that I will get wrong. So, therefore I will not be smarter than a 5th grader.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
My Sanctuary
What I like the best from my home is my room. In my room I can just relax and get away from everyone else in my home. It's just my time to do what i need to do and what I want to do quietly. I can watch tv, listen to music and just lay back on my bed. Of course I do get interupted by my sisters but it doesn't last for long. In my room I get all the privacy I want. I get to create any environment I want in my room, so that it fits me just right. My room is an experession of who I am.
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Ticket Seller
As the ticket seller at a footbal stadium I would sell tickets. But after we are sold out I would be out there watching the game. I would want to be the ticket seller for the plain reason that I would get to watch a football game for free. I love watching football but I don't fully understand all of the rules, so being a coach or a referee would be a bad idea. And I can't throw so I wouldn't be able to be the quarterback. Being a ticket seller I can still be a part of the game by getting the fans into the stadium.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Four Years Ago
Four years ago I was 13 years old. And i wasn't even in high school yet. When I was 13 years old there were a lot of things that I couldn't do then but I can do now. For example I couldn't drive when i was 13. I couldn't go out when I was 13 with only friends, but now I can. I also think that i couldn't understand things as well as i do know, although i still need a lot more work. I do not have a bedtime anymore! Now I fall asleep whenever I want. When I was 13 my mom had stricter rules with my phone than the rules I have now.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monkey Business
I believe that a monkey would and wouldnt make a good pet. I think it would make a good pet because it's just like a human. They can do pretty much anything a human can other than talk. They seem as if they would be a good companion. I think they won't be a good pet because I've heard accounts of monkey's nearly tearing off someones face. They also carry various diseases that can be fatal to human. Monkey's are wild animals and should not be held as a pet. They can turn and snap on you and next thing you know you're left with half a face.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Samantha 'Torta' Daniella Alonso
Samantha is my youngest cousin and she is the youngest person I know. She is now 5 years old and she's a blabber mouth! She'll find anything and everything to talk about. She also started kindergarder this year and its so cute because she's so excited about it. Well at least she was for the first week of school. After the first week she got tired of the work and she would fall asleep as soon as she would get home. Torta Alonso is accident prone. Every week she has a new cut or bruise. She can easily trip and fall while walking and then she'll have another head growing from her forehead. Samantha is also known as 'Echo Sammy'. If you are ever trying to tell a story and she knows what you're talking about she will repeat everything you say right after you say it. She's adorable! (As I was writing this blog my cousin was with me and she was talking non- stop.)
Monday, September 20, 2010
My Bis- Abuelito
The oldest person I knew was my bis- abuelito (my great- grandfather). He is the the father of my moms dad. I did not know him very well but i did get to meet him. He was a splitting image of my Tio Manuel, my grandpa's brother. I got to meet him when I went to Mexico about six years ago. When we were out there I noticed that my grandpa was just like his dad, he was very quiet and kept to himself. But when it came to singing he was not quiet. My bis- abuelito loved to sing and he was very good at it. Although he was old that did not stop him from working on his farm. Unfortunately he passed away a couple years ago. He lived a full life. He was 95 when he passed away, and he passed peacefully. I hadn't seen him before he passed, it was about 5- 6 years since we had last seen him. I do wish we would have visited before to see him but I know he's in a better place.
RIP Abuelito <3
Sunday, September 19, 2010
If I was a wonderful painter and my parents let me paint anything I wanted on my bedroom walls, I would paint my favorite scenery. I'd paint the sunset at the beach. There would be lots of purple and pink and orange in the sky,and the water would be very calm. The clouds would be very thin but together. The sand would be damp and you'd see the footprints of the seagulls. The scenery would cover the largest wall in my room, and I would wake up in the beach everyday.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
"The Bat Who Couldn't Fly"
There once was a bat named Mat. Mat was the only bat that couldn't fly. Everyday he would mope around while his buddies and family flew around him. No matter how hard Mat tried he just couldn't get off the ground. Because Mat the bat couldn't fly he would sleep standing up and he had to find any food on the floor. One night while his flock was sleeping he walked out of his cave and he seen a shooting star. He made a wish upon that star and wished that he could fly. Right then and there he tried to fly and he couldn't. Mat the bat was so upset that he couldn't fly so he just went to sleep. The next morning Mat sulked around the whole day. While Mat was sulking around he didn't notice he was being stalked. when he finally noticed he was being stalked he started to run as fast as could, then he was in the air flying. Mat was so excited he could fly now. Everyone was amazed and Mat fit in with the rest of his family and friends.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Lunch with Mariah Carey!
If I could have lunch with any famous person it would be Mariah Carey. I would talk about how she got to where she is, and everything she had to go through. I love to sing but I've never had enough guts to sing in public. I'd ask for her advice and how to get over my fear. If she at once was scared, I'd ask how she got over that fear and overcame it. Our lunch would be about Mariah giving me advice to get over my stage fright.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sisterly Love???

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sea Turtle Pet
I love sea turtles. They are my favorite animals. Especially baby sea turtles they are adorable. I've had turtles as a pet before but they weren't sea turtles and they were cuter when they were babies. So I'd only like the sea turtles as babies. I'm not quite sure how I'd have to take care of them but it's something I definitely have to look up.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
My Journey on a Pirate Ship
I was the captain of the Pirate Ship.
I lurked for stranded ships.
I ripped them from everthing they had left, and left them there to die.
I had more than what I needed.
One here, one there.
What's another three?
I lived large,
No worries in the world.
Then I realize it's just a dream.
And I'm the one being ripped from everthing I have left.
The Pirate once again found me and chose me to take what i have left.
I can't fight anymore.
I lurked for stranded ships.
I ripped them from everthing they had left, and left them there to die.
I had more than what I needed.
One here, one there.
What's another three?
I lived large,
No worries in the world.
Then I realize it's just a dream.
And I'm the one being ripped from everthing I have left.
The Pirate once again found me and chose me to take what i have left.
I can't fight anymore.
Monday, September 13, 2010
My Deepest Fear
My deepest fear is being alone.
I'll live my life alone.
I'll find no one to share my life with.
I'll end up old and bitter.
I'll think I've made a mistake.
I'll have no one to share my stories with.
My deepest fear is of the dark.
I feel eyes watching me walk alone.
I tense up because I feel I'm being followed.
I stop turn around and no one's there.
You can not tell who lurks in the darkness.
My deepest fear is failure.
If I fail,
I will end up cold and alone, in the dark.
No one to talk to.
No one to listen to.
The key is letting go of that fear, and be free.
I'll live my life alone.
I'll find no one to share my life with.
I'll end up old and bitter.
I'll think I've made a mistake.
I'll have no one to share my stories with.
My deepest fear is of the dark.
I feel eyes watching me walk alone.
I tense up because I feel I'm being followed.
I stop turn around and no one's there.
You can not tell who lurks in the darkness.
My deepest fear is failure.
If I fail,
I will end up cold and alone, in the dark.
No one to talk to.
No one to listen to.
The key is letting go of that fear, and be free.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
My Own Restaurant
I love to bake. It's one of my many hobbies. I'd open my own bakery, but I would only sell cakes and cupcakes. My top three favorites are red velvet with cream cheese icing, chocolate on chocolate cake, and an oreo ice cream cake. In my bakery these would be my best sellers. My employees would be my aunt and my friend Shawn because they both love baking as well. I'd name the bakery "A Taste of Sweetness", and when you walked in it would be very vibrant and colorful. There will be a glass container with the different types of sweets sold and a homey feel to the bakery.
Friday, September 10, 2010
If you could cook any meal for your family, what would you cook?
The easiest thing for me to cook would be what we eat regularly. We almost always have red rice, beans, and any mexican favorite like enchiladas, birria, enfrijoladas, chilaquiles, chiles rellenos, and carne asada. i know how to cook all of these dishes, but I'd like to make a dish from a different ethnicity. Like try to make a dish from Peru, Brazil, or Hawaii. I'm not quite sure what I'll do but it'll definitely be a dish we've never tried before. My favorite food is chinese food so I'd probably try a chinese dish.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
One Time I was Brave..
A revolt that changed the world.
We all joined together and fought for our well- being.
The well- being that was being taken from us.
We had no longer ruled our own lives.
We were like robots
Or puppets with strings attatched.
One time when I was brave, I led a revolt.
We could no longer live this way.
I wanted to once again rule my own life.
I got millions of people together
And together we fought.
One time when I was brave, I led a revolt.
One time when I was brave, I led a revolt.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
If I had 100 dollars...
If I were to have 100 dollars and I had to give it to someone, I would give it to the hobo that lays on the bus bench around the corner from my house. This man minds his own bussiness and is very humble. For the past 7 years that I have lived in this area I've never once seen him beg or ask for anything. He lives with what he has and doesn't complain. Once I seen another hobo trying to pick a fight with him and it did not phase him one bit. He kept his composer and went on as if the other man wasn't there. He didn't yell back all he did was look at the man as he yelled and threw a drink at him. He seems like a very nice man, and I believe he would deserve 100 dollars.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Do You Remember?
Do you remember the first time you seen him?
There crossing your path.
Do you remember their scent that would stay engraved in your mind?
Do you remember the way he talked to?
That made you feel like the most important person in the world was you.
Do you remember his smile and laugh?
That would brighten your day when everything had gone bad.
Or how about his hugs in the pouring rain?
Do you remember the late night phone calls?
Whispering "I Love You".
Do you remember the bickering and arguing?
But it wouldn't last for long cause he would say the right things to make it better.
And you couldn't stay mad at him for too long.
He was the only one for you.
Do you remember the day he went away?...
I Am Poem
I am friendly but shy at first.
I wonder what makes the world go round.
I hear the birds singing.
I see the liveliness in others.
I want somebody to love.
I am friendly but shy at first.
I pretend to be happy at times.
I feel the warmth of the sun.
I touch the wind that leads my way.
I worry to much about nothing.
I cry when I am hurt.
I am friendly but shy at first.
I understand that everything happens for a reason.
I say things I dont mean at times.
I dream of a happy ever after.
I try to make myself better.
I hope for world peace.
I am friendly but shy at first.
I wonder what makes the world go round.
I hear the birds singing.
I see the liveliness in others.
I want somebody to love.
I am friendly but shy at first.
I pretend to be happy at times.
I feel the warmth of the sun.
I touch the wind that leads my way.
I worry to much about nothing.
I cry when I am hurt.
I am friendly but shy at first.
I understand that everything happens for a reason.
I say things I dont mean at times.
I dream of a happy ever after.
I try to make myself better.
I hope for world peace.
I am friendly but shy at first.
The house we lived in..
The house we lived in was the first house i ever lived in. It holds so many precious memories. All the parties we had, and the 7 birthdays I celebrated there. My baby sister, at the time, and I shared a room. It was painted pink since we were both girls. We started of with a crib and a toddler bed, then we had bunk beds when we got older. It was the first bunk beds we had and we loved them because we had always wanted bunk beds. Seven years came and went. Now we were moving to a bigger house in Inglewood. I was 10, going on 11, and my little sister was 7 and then we had the newest addition, my baby sister Liz. I loved the house we lived in. Our family was very close then. Now we don't see eachother as often.
There was something about the way he...
There was something about the way he captivated me. He wasn't like the others. He differentiated from others. He wanted to get to know the real me. He didn't look at my body. To others I was an item they wanted to get at. To him I was the treasure he had been looking for. He spoke sweetly and smoothly. Never gave me a reason to raise red flags. But then something changed it was like he had wasted all of his treasure and no longer cared for it. He went out to dig up his new treasure.
When I wake up...
When I wake up, I wake up pretty fast. My dad comes in knocks on the wall, turns the lights on, and tells me to jump in the shower. While I get up I hear him in the room across the hall struggling to wake up my two youngest sisters. They are the heaviest sleepers in our household. You can yell their name and shake them, and they still wont wake up. Anyways, I jump in the shower and I take the hottest shower. When I get out the walls are sweating, the mirror is fogged up, and the steam is so thick you can hardly see through it. Waking up is nothing for me, the problem is staying up.
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