The are many factors to consider when it comes to choosing the right college. The college you go to will be the start of your career so it is important to make a wise decision. First you need to decide whether you want to stay close to home, go some what far from home, or go out of state. For the purpose of this post lets say you have decided to stay in the state of California. The next step would be to narrow done the amount of colleges you wish to apply to. I would say that having about five colleges to apply to is a good number. in choosing these colleges there are few other things one must consider. While, no one expects you to know what you want to do for the rest of your life in terms of a career, by know you should have an idea of what you are interested in. Based on that idea you need to pick a college that has the major of you choice or majors you are interested in. For example if you are interested in the whole medical scene there is no point in applying to a clown college. Get the point? Choose a college that has a major you like but also has other majors you might want to consider. The next step would be to submit all your applications. Make sure everything the college has asked for is taken care off. As much as it sucks the next step is to wait. Once you know which colleges have accepted you, make your final decision. Re-consider your interests, where you plan on staying and anything else. Choose the college that satisfies your requirements the most and let them know you will be attending their institution. Follow these steps and you will be college bound in no time.
Friday, October 29, 2010
My Master Plan
The city of Inglewood is not known as a city that has the best communities. It is a city known for gangs and drug dealers. In fact, in my own community, there is a drug dealer across the street from where I live. Most of the time the people doing drug or getting involved in crimes are the ones who have nothing else to do. They are bored and nothing else is available. My master plan for making my community better is to create activities that people can take part in. We should create city teams and play games and have practices. We could also create more jobs for teenagers. This way they would be learning responsibility and making money an appropriate way. My community also happens to look very bad and dirty at times. Another great idea would be to create some sort of clean up crew. They could go out and clean the streets. They could help elderly people and even paint some of the lines on the roads that are faded away. Basically this community would be better if the people in it made better decisions and kept the area clean. The way to lean into a direction where this standard would be possible is to create more activities and clean up after one selves. if every one were to clean up after themselves the community would be a lot nicer. So the next time you want to through a bag of McDonald out of a car window, just wait until you get home and through it in the trash instead.
My Typical Day
My typical day is usually very busy. Since I play soccer it makes my schedule hectic. Waking up in the morning I go straight to school and get out at 3. After school I have highschool practice from 3 to 5. When I get home I only have time to eat and then head off to my next soccer practice for a different team. I usually have to leave my second practice early so that I can drop off my younger sister at her club practice, then head off to my third practice in Redondo Beach. I'll get home around 9 o'clock and I'll eat. After I eat I'll shower and begin to do my homework. If I'm lucky my teachers will have not assigned much homework. But sometimes I have a lot of work to do so I'll stay up till about 11 or 12 completing my homework. Then the next day it starts all over. When soccer season is not going my schedule is not as hectic and I have more time for myself.
The Good For the Environment
Carpooling, recycling, and planting trees are all activities that are good for the environment. Write an essay convincing readers to actively participate in one of these activities.
Air pollution causes a serious threat to our nation’s health. In every breath that we take we breathe in thousands of chemicals that are potentially harmful to our bodies. Air pollution can have critical consequences to the health of human beings, and can severely affect the natural ecosystems. Air pollution has become a global problem. Cities with large numbers of automobiles often suffer most rigorously from problems of air pollution. By reducing the amount of automobiles driving around, we, as a whole, can greatly reduce the pollution. Carpooling would very much help the environment.
Americans buy about 29.8 billion plastic water bottles a year. To every ten bottles one will end up in the landfill. Less than one percent of plastic water bottles are recycled, as a result almost all plastics are burned or end up in a landfill. By recycling products such as clothing, carpeting, detergent bottles, and lumber can be produced. Creating new plastic bottles from recycled material saves two- thirds less energy than creating it from raw materials. By recycling we can save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reuse, and save landfill space.
Planting trees in your neighborhood in actuality is one of the best things you can do for the local environment and for the planet. As we all know trees help the environment, but you may be surprised by all the benefits that planting trees can provide. Besides producing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide and contaminants from the air, trees have many other social, economic, and environmental benefits. Trees also help to reduce ozone levels in urban areas. In New York City, a 10 percent increase in urban canopy translated to a reduction of peak ozone levels by around 4 parts per billion. (Source: Luley, Christopher J.; Nowak, David J. 2004. Help Clear the Smog with Your Urban Forest: What You and Your Urban Forest Can Do About Ozone.) Trees also soak up sound and lessen noise pollution. This is especially important for people who live near freeways. In some cases, a well planted group of trees can reduce noise pollution by up to 10 decibels. (Source: New Jersey Forest Service.) My personal favorite is when it’s a hot day the trees provide nice cool shade.
By contributing to any of these activities we can greatly reduce pollution. In all we help our environment. After helping, you will surely feel a sense of accomplishment.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Lima beans
The one vegetable that I truly dislike would have to be lima beans. If I see them in my food I will pick them out. They are absolutely discusting to me. I can not even mix the lima bean with something else to try to eat it. I can taste it through the flavor of the rest of the food and I will begin to gag.
I noticed that I disliked lima beans recently. I was at a friends house and we were each Ramona's. The food was great and I love rice so I had some rice. The rice had some vegetables mixed in with it but I was fine with it. I began to eat the rice and while I was chewing I bit down on a lima bean and it was the nasiest thing I had ever tasted. I did not want to spit out the food because I didnt want to be rude. So I forced it down, while trying to conceal my gaging. After that experience I check my food and if I see a lima bean in my food I will pick it out.
Summer Or Spring?

Brothers and Sisters
Brothers and sisters fighting is not a new topic of discussion. It is more likely than not that if you have a brother or a sister, you have fought with them at least once. However, the limit to the fighting is very important. Like I said most brothers and sisters fight, but they also forgive each other usually within minutes and move on. They do not even have to apologize to each other, they just act like nothing happened and it is forgotten. However, there are brothers and sister who take their sibling fights to another level. These types of fights last for years and years and can end up in the destruction of a happy family. Sibling rivalry is completely understandable but how you handle that situation can either build a sibling relationship or cost you a sibling. For example, if a sister were to get mad at her brother for breaking her computer and then she refused to talk or even acknowledge him, she could destroy any relationship they had a possibility of having. They would grow apart and eventually become strangers. The best way to handle siblings not getting along is to know how to forgive. If your sibling did something to you that made you mad, remember that they are a part of your family and deserve another chance. Also remember that when you do something to make your brother or sister mad, it is important to learn how to admit when your wrong. That makes it all the much easier to forgive you. If you can not forgive you might find yourself without any one to turn to.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
State of the Art Computer
If I wanted to buy a new state of the art computer I know I would do everything possible to make sure I get a good deal for a great computer. I would have to take time and put forth major effort into buying this computer because it is a major investment. This computer is not something I would buy for a week and then just throw away. In fact, I would own this computer for a number of years so I want to make sure I buy a computer that will last. First. I would research computers online so that I can get an idea of what I want in my computer and the price range I am willing to take. Second, after much research I would go to a store where I can get specific help on computers such as Office Depot or Best Buy. Assuming I choose Best Buy, I would take a little tour around the computer section and read some of the information. Once I am ready to begin buying I would find a person to assist in explaining the various pros and cons of the computers. I would them commence to asking him questions so that I can better understand the products. I understand if i am serious about buying a state of the art computer this process might take more than a couple of days. Once I have found a computer I am satisfied with I would proceed to purchase it and set it up.
College Admissions Test
A college admission test can be a very nerve wrecking subject. The pressure can turn out to be unbearable and stress might start to overcome your days. All one has to do is follow a couple of steps and passing your college admission exam can be a breeze. Number one on the list should be obvious and that is to study. However, there is not a specific area to study because a college admission exam covers general topics. You should be prepared to face reading comprehension problem, sentence completion problems, and elementary math such as Algebra. Number two on the list is to stay relaxed. Many people fail their test because they are too nervous. If you stay relax you will notice that these are strategies you have been working on since the moment you set foot in a school, in this case about twelve years ago. All you need to do is be confident in your skills and the learning you retained and you will be fine. Number three is to stay focused. if you get constantly distracted, you should practice staying focused on a subject for two hours. Without focus their is no concentration and you will not be able to process the information. Lastly before taking an exam you must have gotten a good amount of rest so that your brain and body can feel energized. make sure to eat a breakfast to spark your energy source. With these tips in mind, passing your college admission test should not be so hard.
Breaking Up
Ending a relationship can be one of the most dreaded tasks for many people. For this reason, it is important to end a relationship on as close to a good note as possible. Before ending a relationship you must make sure if that is what you truly want to do. Take some time to think about it because it is a big decision. Once you have made your decision stick to it. When ending a relationship try to stay as calm as possible and do it as nicely as possible. It is important to remember that your soon to be ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend was once someone who meant a lot to you and will leave you with some good memories. Timing is also important when ending a relationship, for example do not break up with someone hours before a big final exam or on their birthday. That would be too devastating. Wait it out for a little while and do it at an appropriate time. However, do not force yourself to be in a relationship for a long period of time. That would be a lie and you would be unhappy. You must be prepared to explain why you are ending the relationship to your significant other. You can not just say it is over and not explain why. Your significant other deserves to know why you have made the decision to call it quits. When you are in the act of breaking up remember to stay cool, calm, and collected, but do not expect the same from your boyfriend/girlfriend. keep in mind that they might not have seen it coming and might react in sadness, shock, or anger. If they beg you to stay in the relationship do not give in just because you feel sorry for them. Breaking up is always hard to do, so hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Making A New Friend
When we were younger and in elementary school making friends was a lot easier. All you had to do was say your name and then ask if they wanted to go play on the swings. In a matter of five seconds you had made a new friend. As we grew up it became harder to make friends. Now, friendships are not built in a couple of seconds they take time. One thing that hasn't changed is the first step to making a friend. To start off, you first have to say your name. It is important to try you hardest to not forget the other person's name. Then you need to start a conversation. Get to know each other. You should ask questions about their family and their interests. However, you must be very careful in the manner you ask your question because you do not want to seem like some weird creep. Make sure to not ask all the questions yourself. Leave time for the other person to ask you questions so that they can get to know a little something about you. Find an interest you have in common, like a sport or shopping. Start talking about that and your conversation should start flowing easier. Then maybe you should make plans to go shopping or go to the park and play you common sport. Make sure you are not late and if you can not make it because of some emergency, make sure to let the other person know. Once you find the point of common interest you and the other person can start building trust and eventually become really great friends.
My Favorite Sport

Causes and Effect of Prejudice
Prejudice is a dangerous area that can cause many negative effects. One thing that causes prejudice is the desire to be superior to another person. When a white American decides their race is superior to an African American then they are being prejudice. They have not gotten to know the African American and assumed they were better beforehand. They didn't even take the time to find out if the African American was maybe some sort of genius or athletic superstar. The white American just saw the color of the skin and assumed the African American was worthless.
Prejudice has a history of negativity. Who among us can forget one of the major acts of prejudice as well as one of the most horrible; the holocaust. The Holocaust was a major act of prejudice against Jewish people. The Holocaust also demonstrates one of the effects of prejudice, suffering. When their is prejudice the people who are being judged beforehand are the ones who suffer. They do not get fair or equal treatment and their lives are made much more harder. They are given no voice and seen as animals.
Prejudice is also caused by the result of parenting. Sometimes parents hand down their prejudice towards certain people to their children. Their children then become prejudice and the cycle continues. Another effect of prejudice is hatred. People who are being prejudiced upon develop a deep seeded hatred towards those inflicting the prejudice. Prejudice is just bad news and we are better of without it.
Prejudice has a history of negativity. Who among us can forget one of the major acts of prejudice as well as one of the most horrible; the holocaust. The Holocaust was a major act of prejudice against Jewish people. The Holocaust also demonstrates one of the effects of prejudice, suffering. When their is prejudice the people who are being judged beforehand are the ones who suffer. They do not get fair or equal treatment and their lives are made much more harder. They are given no voice and seen as animals.
Prejudice is also caused by the result of parenting. Sometimes parents hand down their prejudice towards certain people to their children. Their children then become prejudice and the cycle continues. Another effect of prejudice is hatred. People who are being prejudiced upon develop a deep seeded hatred towards those inflicting the prejudice. Prejudice is just bad news and we are better of without it.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Impulse Buying
Impulse buying happens when you get caught up in the promotion of a situation and you buy something without thinking much about it. Impulse items may be new products, samples or well-established products at unexpected low prices. Events such as these would happen at events like Black Friday for example.
It is natural to see something and really want the product and eventually buy it. But in impulse buying the consumers have no control of themselves. To some this may be referred to as a "shopaholic". Situations that play on these "shopaholic's" impulsiveness include: items on sale tables that advertise 'huge bargains' or 'percent off all items' or the enticement of announcements that something is half price for the next 5 minutes. Impulse buying makes you spend money on items you may not really need or want. To avoid impulse buying you need to ask yourself if you really need the item or just want it.
Pollution is...
Pollution is when water, air or land becomes very dirty. Pollution can come in 4 different types effecting different types of areas in the world. Air pollution effects the air, water pollution effects the water and marine life, land pollution effects the land destroying life and the enviroment and there is also noise pollution that can effect our hearing.We all contribute to pollution in some way or another. Whether it be with a large amount or small amount we can still cause major damage to our health and the enviroment. Although we all contribute to help stop the increase of pollution. Very little people realize that pollution is very harmful because they don't think of the enviroment, themselves and other people and what it can do.Pollution is an important factor to our lives. It involves our society and all other animals. Pollution is gradually destroying our planet and is gradually killing ourselves too. Like air pollution, smog and acid rain is a killer to all of us. It destroys marine life, our own health and destroys historical monuments and statues.
A Life Without Computers
Nowadays a life without computers would be nearly impossible. If you want to apply for a job you will most likely need to apply online. Since technology is advancing most workforces require much of the work to be done on the computer. Computers are a quick and easy way of completing work. Without the computers it would be very hard for us to complete any work. Our everyday life would be very different. We would either have to call or write to those whom we are trying to contact. Many of the benefits that we have because of computers would seize to exist. In order to find information, we would have to go through countless readings. All basic knowlege would probably need to be retaught be computers corrects and completes all for us. No computers means no quick information, no quick contact with someone, and no quick work.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A Good Driver
There are many specific details that makes the difference between a good driver and a terrible one. Defensive driving is a technique that makes a person a good driver. When someone drives defensively they are always aware of what is going on. For someone to drive defensively they have to understand that not everyone will follow the rules and thus they should not expect anyone to follow the rules. Another important technique is to know the rules of the road. If you as a driver, know the rules of the road then you will make the road safer for yourself as well as other drivers. Focus is an important quality to have while driving. You need to look at your surroundings constantly and take them in within seconds. It is important that a driver does not maintain a fixed stare because then they won't see what is happening around them. Being focused requires that you concentrate on driving safely. It does not mean that a driver should text or read while driving. Many accidents occur because people weren't paying attention. If these few techniques and behaviors are followed the world would be filled with a whole lot of better drivers. Another technique is not psyching yourself out. While driving you do not want to be scared. Once you get scared you become tense and thats when accidents happen to new drivers. But you do not want to be careless.
Selena Quintanilla
Selena Quintanilla Perez was born on April 16, 1971 and died on March 31, 1995. She was a Mexican-American singer who is marked as one of the biggest stars of the Tejano genre of music. She was born in Lake Jackson, Texas and grew up in Corpus Christi, Texas, where she began her musical career. Her father, Abraham Quintanilla Jr., was a singer with the original Los Dinos from 1957-1972, and instructed musical talent of his children. Selena, her brother Abe III, and their sister, Suzette, were a second generation of Los Dinos. Its' other two members who started in the band were Ricky Vela on keyboards and Roger Garcia on guitar.
Selena made her first public appearance at her father's Mexican restaurant in Lake Jackson at eight. At nine she recorded her first record. As a child Selena was constantly on tour. The singer signed with Capitol EMI in 1989, and released several albums with that label.
The greatest irony in Selena's musical career is that she became a star singing in her second language; Spanish.
Aside from singing, Selena was an enthusiatic clothing designer. Boutique shops with the Selena name opened in Corpus Christi and San Antonio.
These events helped Selena become successful because she stayed determined to make it big as a female singer. She not once gave up she kept at career and eventually broadened her expertise to fashion. Even 15 years after her death her legacy still lives on. Selena left a great impact on the lives of both the Latin and Latin American world.
What Makes Me Special
Everyone is special in their own way. I am special because there is no one else like myself. I am the ONLY Vianca Crystal Barajas. I have my own personality, my own rules, and my own set of unique friends. No one can compare to the people that surround me in my everday life. I am one that you can come and talk to whenever you need anything, or to help brighten your day.
I am also a very unique individual because I believe I matured earlier than others I have met. My parent raised me to stay above it all. Keep on top of my work and always give my all in any activity I do. Once I start something I must finish it no matter how much I dislike it. And it must be done correctly. Half effort will not cut it for my parents. If I have made a commitment I must keep it. My friends play a big role in my uniqueness because my friends have all matured at a younger age compared to most. I have a group of friends that are still kids but are mature when they need to be, which is hard to find with high school students.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Pride in One's Work
Having pride in your work is a feeling worth having. When you have pride in your work you are proud of your work. When you are proud of your work it makes the assignment you are working on worth while. Being proud of your work is important because it is your work and any product that you lay on the table should be your best. When you put down your best work you feel a sense of accomplishment. If you are not proud in your work then everything you did was basically a waste of time. You may also not be proud of your work if you know you did not work for what you did. When you are proud of your work it is because you have put so much care and effort in your work. You would be claiming your work after because of all the work you put into that assignment.
When you can be proud of your work then it means what you did was important to you. Having pride in your work is also important because it shows that you have confidence in yourself and in the work you put forward. People would much rather accept a product from somebody who is proud of what they did in comparison to someone who did it with a bad attitude and is not pleased with the result. If you can't be proud of the work you did then certainly do not expect any one else to be proud of what you did.
When you can be proud of your work then it means what you did was important to you. Having pride in your work is also important because it shows that you have confidence in yourself and in the work you put forward. People would much rather accept a product from somebody who is proud of what they did in comparison to someone who did it with a bad attitude and is not pleased with the result. If you can't be proud of the work you did then certainly do not expect any one else to be proud of what you did.
Meaning of Diversity
From my understanding there are about three different definitions for the word diverse. The first one is the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness. The second one is variety or mutiformity. The last and third one is a point of difference. I saw a pattern involving the base word diverse. It just so happens that the word diverse means of a different kind, form, character, etc. and it also means of various kinds or forms. We encounter diversity in our lives plenty of times a day. One example, and the most commonly thought of, would be race. One of the first things that pops into my head when I hear the word diversity is definitely race or color. One thinks of Hispanics or Latinos, African Americans, Caucasians, Europeans, etc. However,diversity is not only limited to race or color. Diversity also covers a variety of other areas. Diversity can also be used to describe musical genres or even instruments. There is a wide range of music and music classifications that would make diversity appropriate for describing music. There is rock music, classical music, pop music, rap music, techno music and much more. The number of instruments vary way to much for me to even count. You could also use diversity to describe a issues. What I mean by this is that you could classify third world country issues or perhaps local community issues as diverse. There are many different issues that countries and communities deal with or discuss daily. Diversity is all around us.
What Cooperation Means To Me
The significance of cooperation to me means working together with at least one other person to benefit both sides. If only one side is benfited than there was no mutual cooperation. Both sides have to benefit in some way, shape, or form. According to the dictionary, Cooperation means an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit. Based on this, my original understanding of cooperation was very good.
Cooperation to me is a very important subjuect. Simply summed up, cooperation makes things a whole lot easier for both sides. Imagine a scene wher you and other students had to conduct a science experiment. As a student that is a task I have encountered before. When I am in a group where there is a person who doesn't want to help in any way, every one else gets more work. On the other hand, when every member of our group chooses to cooperate and do their share of the work, the project gets done faster and easier. Cooperation is important to me because it makes my life easier as well as the other person's life or persons lives. Cooperation outside of school also carries some importance, especially when it involves my safety or that of my loved ones, for example if one out of a duo of mass murderes was to get caught, I would certainly want the criminal that is caught to cooperate with the police so that his partner can also get caught. When cooperation in situations where it is needed is used life goes a little more smoothly for all individuals involved.
Friday, October 22, 2010
What is your all time favorite movie and why? Write an essay persuading readers to watch this film.
It is one of the best love stories depicted on film. Titanic is a heartwarming, romantic, exhilarating, devastating, totally unforgettable film. This impressive classic re- creates the unfortunate maiden voyage R.M.S. Titanic and the tragic sea disaster. This film depicts Leonardo DiCaprio at his best, along with Kate Winslet.
Jack Dawson was young man whom won a pair of tickets on to the Titanic in a hand of poker. Rose DeWitt is traveling to America to be married with Mr. Cal Hockley. We begin to see an attraction between Jack and Rose when Rose is talked out of jumping over board by Jack. From there on the attraction does not stop. They constantly see each other and run off and hide. They even risk their own lives for each other. The odd thing being that they were from two different social classes. He was very poor and she grew from a wealthy family.
The story was being told in a flashback by Rose to a man looking for the “Heart of the Ocean”. The “Heart of the Ocean” was a rare diamond that was given to Rose by her fiancé Cal Hockley. The treasure hunter at first did not believe Rose, he thought that she was out of her mind and she made herself believe that she was the women in the picture wearing the diamond.
The climax is reached when the Titanic hits the iceberg and then begins to sink. They were not enough life boats to save all of those on the ship. So they only allowed women and children to board the life boats. Rose was put on the life boat twice and each time she jumped off, all so that she can stay with Jack. As the boat sinks Jack and Rose both hold on the rail and wait till they hit the water. One they are in the water Jack finds a door for rose to stay on so that she stays out of the water, and he stays in the water and hold the door steady. Thousands of people were left in the water and only (about) fifteen people survived. Rose was one among them and Jack passed away.
This film depicted amazing effect, and dialogue. James Cameron did a great job coming up with the story line. It is a movie you must watch. You will laugh, cry, and be stunned with this amazing work.
Last 20 Years of Communication
Communication has changed at abrupt rate over the past twenty years and will continue to quickly change as the years advance. Communication was twenty years ago was very different to communication now-a-days. The major change has been in the improvement of the technology used. Cell phones were available twenty years ago but they were big and bulky. Up-to-date they are slim. One of the major differences in cell phones back then to cellphones now is the touch screens. We can actually work a phone and make a call without having to push big buttons. All we have to do is press the screen and everything works with the touch of your fingers. Another major cuuting-edge improvement in technology is text messaging. It has become very popular. Text messaging allows you to talk with another person in seconds without having to make a call. There are also bluetooths which allow you to talk on the phone, while driving, without having to use your hands.
Computers have also greatly cultivated. They have become thiner and smaller, and retain much more information and even work faster. Social networks have developed which allow you to chat with your friends. It is another way of communicating without a phone. Communications continue to change even as we speak. Just recently a new camera has come out that allows the photographer to take a picture and email it to a friend. It is a way of communicating through pictures. Communications will be around forever and will continue to improve.
Teaching Techniques
Teachers can teach more effectively by simply making the material more interesting. Half the time students don't pay attention because they lose interest in the subject within a couple of minutes. For teachers to teach more effectively they have to get the students to want to learn by keeping things mind captivating. Teachers should switch up their schedule and use various teaching methods throughout the week. For instance one day they could show a video, the next day they could give a lecture, the third day they could do hands-on teaching, the fourth day they could play a game, and the fifth day students could work in groups or take a test. The point is to teach in a way that is not predictable. Going to a class where the teacher does the exact same thing every class becomes a bore and puts students in a bad mood before they even walk in the door. A negative mood will immediately make learning harder.
Another teaching technique that could help teachers teach more effectively is for the teacher to be in control of their class. There are some teachers that do not have the control over their students. The students will then take advantage and feel in charge and they think they do not have to learn. When a teacher can not control his own class he should not expect to do much teaching. As a result a teacher's confidence may be lowered and control may never be obtained.
Confidence is a major point. A good teaching method would be to make their students confident. When someone is confident they trust themselves and feel like they can handle the material. If a teacher can make his or her students feel confident in their work and their learning ability then teaching should be easy because students will learn faster.
Another teaching technique that could help teachers teach more effectively is for the teacher to be in control of their class. There are some teachers that do not have the control over their students. The students will then take advantage and feel in charge and they think they do not have to learn. When a teacher can not control his own class he should not expect to do much teaching. As a result a teacher's confidence may be lowered and control may never be obtained.
Confidence is a major point. A good teaching method would be to make their students confident. When someone is confident they trust themselves and feel like they can handle the material. If a teacher can make his or her students feel confident in their work and their learning ability then teaching should be easy because students will learn faster.
Conveniences can change people's lives in only two ways; negatively or positively. A convenience is the state of being able to proceed with something with little effort or difficulty. I presume that if you live a life where conveniences are constantly available to you, then you will subconsciously become the type of person that lives life with little effort. Negatively speaking, constant conveniences will change people's life for the worse. People will become accustomed to never giving one hundred percent, or to never truly try at anything.
Conveniences can also change people's lives for the better. Sometimes when your day is going bad and everything seems to be collapsing on top of you, a nice little convenience that might pop up might be just the thing to brighten your day. One example of this would be to imagine a person who is in great debt. They have utility bills due the next day, they are already late for a mortgage payment, and the car insurance bill has just arrived. Your paycheck is two weeks away and up to this point you have no idea what you are going to do. You walk outside an find one thousand dollars on the floor. No one is around and you can't just randomly start asking people if they lost two thousand dollars. Fortunately for you the two thousand dollars can cover your bills and a part of your mortgage. Finding the two thousand dollars was a convenience when it came to having to pay your responsibilities. The possibilities of ever finding two thousand dollars on the floor again are very low but for the moment it allowed you to relax. Of course you will have to keep working hard to be able to pay the next time but this convenience allowed you to survive for the meantime.
Conveniences can also change people's lives for the better. Sometimes when your day is going bad and everything seems to be collapsing on top of you, a nice little convenience that might pop up might be just the thing to brighten your day. One example of this would be to imagine a person who is in great debt. They have utility bills due the next day, they are already late for a mortgage payment, and the car insurance bill has just arrived. Your paycheck is two weeks away and up to this point you have no idea what you are going to do. You walk outside an find one thousand dollars on the floor. No one is around and you can't just randomly start asking people if they lost two thousand dollars. Fortunately for you the two thousand dollars can cover your bills and a part of your mortgage. Finding the two thousand dollars was a convenience when it came to having to pay your responsibilities. The possibilities of ever finding two thousand dollars on the floor again are very low but for the moment it allowed you to relax. Of course you will have to keep working hard to be able to pay the next time but this convenience allowed you to survive for the meantime.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Environmental Problem
A major environmental problem that has been rising to an all time high over the past couple of years is air pollution. Air pollution should be a concern to everyone. Air pollution is caused by many different factors. It can be caused by factories, automobiles, fires, and power plants. Air pollution is a major threat to the health of people as well as the planet in general. People, especially children can acquire asthma from air pollution. Air pollution makes the air that surrounds you dangerous and unhealthy. As for the planet, air pollution is responsible for the damage to the ozone layer.
I believe immediate action must be taken to help spare lives from air pollutant related diseases and make the planet a better place to live in. There is nothing we can really do to stop the natural pollutants, such as wildfires, except to do our best and try to put out the fires as fast as possible. I think factories need to find a way to produce material in a way that doesn't require them to create so much smoke and fog. Automobiles need to be replaced by hybrids or remodeled to emit little pollution as possible. As for the old cars that cough up so much smoke when driven, they need to be destroyed and replaced by a newer, cleaner car. Everyone can do their part to help stop air pollution by using less energy and reducing waste, so that factories and companies do not have to create so much smoke to get rid of your waste and produce more energy.
Public Health Concern
Diabetes type two is a disease that has come into the lives of many and altered them for ever, for the worse. Diabetes is known as a chronic disease which simply means a permanent disease. It is a condition in which a human being regularly faces high blood pressure because there is a problem in the way there body constructs and makes use of insulin. I understand some people are born with the disease and there is nothing they could have done to prevent it, but people with type two- diabetes attain it by not taking care of their bodies, or their sugar intake. Type two- diabetes also results from other foods you eat and how unhealthy it is. It is okay to indulge yourself in food every once in a while, but when you make it a habit it becomes dangerous. Most people with type two diabetes where overweight at the time they were diagnosed. Type two- diabetes in children is a shame. Their parents should have monitored their treats and snacks more closely. Once you are diagnosed with diabetes there is no going back. You constantly have to monitor what you eat and take insulin and other medications. It becomes a burden that sticks with you for the rest of your life. The reason I believe type two- diabetes is serious enough to warrant immediate attention is because it is preventable. All you need is the knowledge and information on how to take care of your body and the commitment to make healthy living a lifestyle.
Achieving Fame and Fortune
In my opinion there are two ways a person achieves fame and fortune. A person can achieve fame and fortune by either working hard and earning it or by simply being handed the fame and fortune down by their parents. When a person works hard to achieve their fame and their fortune they also inevitably end up building their character. During the process of reaching their desired status these people must have encountered failures. Each failure that they surpassed taught them determination, and every time they had to find the strength to try one more time, they learned to "dig deep" within themselves and push themselves harder. It is these kinds of people that truly remain humble once they have acquired the fame and fortune, because they have exhausted themselves and put in the time and effort. They will forever know what it was like to be on the other side of the spectrum and for that be truly grateful of their great luck.
However, the people that are just given fame and fortune often expect everything to just as well be GIVEN to them. These are the type of people most of the ones who aren't famous or have a whole bunch of money consider "spoiled". They don't have the challenge or privilege of knowing what it is like or how it feels to have to work for something. Not everyone who inherits fame and fortune is like this but there is a possibility that they might turn out unappreciative.
However, the people that are just given fame and fortune often expect everything to just as well be GIVEN to them. These are the type of people most of the ones who aren't famous or have a whole bunch of money consider "spoiled". They don't have the challenge or privilege of knowing what it is like or how it feels to have to work for something. Not everyone who inherits fame and fortune is like this but there is a possibility that they might turn out unappreciative.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Causes and Problems of Teenage Smokers
There are many reasons why teenagers may begin to smoke. For example- their parents may have smoked, they might think they look real cool, or older and more interesting, they may also think that by smoking it will relieve them from any stress, help them concentrate, have fun, or any other reason that smokers can come up with. Because of the chemicals in cigarettes it may alter someone’s mood. Nicotine is an extremely addictive drug, and not having it when you are addicted makes you have cravings, where you feel like you 'have' to have the drug. People also get into the habit of smoking when they are at a gathering with either friends or family.
Many smokers begin to smoke because they see a role model of theirs in a movie or picture smoking. By seeing that they believe it's cool to smoke. What they don't know is that those who smoke have a strong smell of nicotine. if they see it in a movie they need to realize that the actor is most likely not really smoking. Smokers do not have great skin and hair. All the teens look at is how good their role model looks.
Math- The Required Subject
Math is one of the most widely used subjects in the world. Math is such an important subject because it can help you prepare you for your career. many jobs require that you have knowlege of math up to at least geometry. If you plan to become a math teacher or an engineerer you will need to go way beyond geometry. You will have to take classes you may have never heard of. More importantly, doing math helps the mind to reason and organize complicated situations or problems into clear, simple, and logical steps. Higher paying jobs often demand someone who can take complicated situations and simpify it in a way that everyone can understand it.
Important skills obtained from math are things such as having the ability to identify and analyze patterns, logic and critical thinking skills, ability to see relationships, and problem solving skills. Math helps you make sense of the world around you.
The Foods You Eat
People eat poorly for a number of reasons, but there are two main reasons why I believe that they tend to eat junk food, even though they know that it is not good for them and also potentially doing them harm. The first is that junk food is available nearly anywhere you go, it's easy to pick up, I could get a sugary soda drink and a chocolate bar without even walking nearly a hundred footsteps from my front door. On nearly every corner there is a liquor store. All of the chips, candy, and sodas are on display, its at times impossible to ignore at times. It is highly tempting. The second is that sugar is addictive, trying to come off junk food after you have gotten your body accustomed to it is a hard task. Cravings will come regularly and will be hard to avoid. You have become addicted to junk food. The sweet industry survives on that addiction.
Lifelong habits and traditions surrounding a variety of junk foods can be hard to recognize and break. Many people associate a trip to the movies with a bucket of buttered popcorn and a box of candy. Most people eat chips with sandwiches without questioning the nutritional value of deep-fried potatoes. Without healthy options, most people will continue to eat what is available.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Internet- Viewpoints of Users and Providers
The Internet is a great way to get information quick. It has become an essential part of the life we live today in America. Many Americans today have become highly dependent on the Internet. The Internet is quick access for users and provides them updated news, both local and global, and entertainment. The Internet keeps people connected with what is going around in the world. They can read news online and even see the forecast. The Internet is also a way to keep people connected with other people. There are various networking sites that people use to talk to their friends and family members. The Internet is a major tool of communication. Job sites post available jobs and you can even get directions from one place to another. You can use the Internet to find the date and time of an event or even the opening and closing hours of a store. The Internet is basically a major search engine. You can literally find about ninety nine percent of anything you ever have a question about or are looking for.
On the counter side, the providers use the internet to send out any information they want to get out. It is a lot easier for someone to type up there information and publish it on the Internet than waiting to publish it any where else. The possibilities on the Internet are endless.
Change in Plans
In my opinion, I feel a change in plans becomes necessary when a real family concern occurs. When someone loses a family member suddenly or expectantly, or a family member has had a tragic accident or something of that sort, the situation becomes totally necessary to change the plans. At that point in time you forget about all the plans you had planned with your friends to go here then go there, all you care about is being with your family.
I feel that the friends should not be upset and be completely supportive of their friend that is going through a hard time. It is a valid reason to drop all plans with others. Family should always go first. It's not like that friend is making up a story because they rather do something else, or because they just don't want to hang out with them.
Another valid reason would be if you just truly could not make it to one of your plans because it interferes with a plan that was previously planned. When it comes down to what is more important, I believe, you have to go with what you committed to first. But if one activity that you planned was to hang out with your friends and the other was to go to a college orientation or anything college oriented, the college things out weigh hanging out with your friends. You can hang out with your friends anytime you want but you can not go to college things whenever you want, it's whenever you can.
An Ideal Vacation
My ideal vacation would be in the islands of Hawaii. Having fun in the sun, and bathing in the clear, blue water. You can see the school of fishes swim by and create a dark shadow in the water. Wiggling my toes between the crystals of sand and tanning under the blazing sun. As you lay back in the sun under the palm trees you smell the fresh pineapples. The colors very vibrant, and the smell "delicioso".
There are nine major things I would want to do in Hawaii. The first would be to visit one of the major volcano's. Secondly, I would want to take a helicopter over one of the islands. I want to be overwhelmed by the stunning scenery set before my eyes. Majestic mountains adorned with a thousand shades of green touch the sky. As you gaze at these wonders of nature, the pilot points out names and history of the locations below. Thirdly, I would relax on one of the most famous beaches in the sapphire waters and turquoise waves of Hawaii. Also, the vast stretches of white sandy beaches appealing to those looking for sun, sand and water. The fourth thing I would do is go whale watching. Watching the hunchback whales completely launch themselves out of the water. The fifth thing would be snorkeling. Down under I'd see the life of under-the-sea. To get some exercise, the sixth thing I would do is go bike riding down one of the mountains. I'd enjoy the scenery and get some nice fresh air. The seventh thing I would do is see Waimea Canyon on Kauai, it is known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. The eighth would be to attend a Luau to enjoy the delicious food, the South Pacific-style celebration of color, style, history, music, and dance. Women in grass skirts, men in face paint, authentic fire dancers, and traditional music. Lastly, I would want to go shopping!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Personal and Societal Problems that Result in Obesity
Obesity is a great amount of fat that gathers to the degree where you become prone to diseases that can harm your health or even take a few years off of your life. The Department of Health predicts that, by 2010 around 6.6 million men will be obese compared to 6 million women (Dr Roger Henderson, GP). Many problems that occur with those who are obese are: high cholestrol, high blood pressure, difficulties breathing, and so much more. However, some people are unfortunate and are obese, but not by choice.
Although it is not a major main cause, some people do inherit obesity through genetics.(Some studies of adopted children indicate that adopted children tend to develop weight problems similar to their biological, rather than adoptive, parents.) Nonetheless families also share common dietary, physical exercise, attitude and lifestyle habits that may also aid to obesity. Few may also have a very slow metabalism and the amout of calories they take in, they do not burn off. Research has also shown that normal-weight children of obese parents may have a lower metabolic rate than normal-weight children of non-obese parents, which can lead to weight problems.
Society has a major role in obesity. We have so many fast food restuarants that have a great amount of fat in their food. Society also cause self esteem issues. Society shows an image in how one should look, and if you do not look like that it may cause some to have self esteem issues which may lead to depression which will then (may) lead to over eating.
Two People of Different Interest and Backgrounds Become Unlikely Allies
The differences between two people is what brings them together and helps form a strong bond. With having a different background from another person it makes you want to learn about there religion, culture, and language. You also want to know where they are from and how they grew up. You can both share your differences with eachother.
Having different interests, I believe, is a good thing between friends. You dont always want a friend who is almost exactly like you. You will eventually get tired of that friend. Although you will link to someone who has the same interest more likely than someone who has different interest, it is likely. When you share a different interest with another person sometimes you will disagree or not like what they like, but you learn to deal with those differences.
With, becoming friends with someone with different interest you learn to tolerate and handle different situations. On top that you learn things about their interst that you may have never known or heard before. It is a chance to broaden your mind with new experiences. It also expands your views on other cultures, and religions. It is an ordial that will make you a cultivated individual.
Explaining Outdoor Living To Someone in the City
The soft wind whistles through the trees and you take a deep breath of pure air. You hear birds singing and the wind running through the wheat. It relaxes you and slowly drifts you to sleep. The only motor you ever hear running is the tractor going through the rows of crops. The scenery is amazing. As the sun begins to hide the mountains it casts a beauty of colors. The sky pure and clear soon, then, begins to twinkle with lights, like those of the city.
Out in the country it is peaceful and quiet. In the city it is loud and erratic. Everyone is always rushing to get nowhere. They do not ever stop to take a breath. In the city the lights never go off. You can not see the beautiful stars of just take a deep breath of pure air. With all the polution in the city it nearly imposible to see the sky pure blue. The stars do not exist in the city.
You can experience so much beauty in open land that you cannot experience in the city. The only beauty you can get from the city is the various lights that just brighten everything. Life in the rural is calm, it slows everything down. Life in the city is quick, the time never stops.
Friday, October 15, 2010
More or Less?
A few decades ago, many families had half a dozen or more children. Nowadays, more and more families are choosing to have only one or two children. Are smaller families better than larger ones? Why or why not? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.
No family is considered better by their size. What makes a family better is what separates them from other families. Each family unit has there reason for having their family either really big, or really small. Size does not determine how admirable or appalling any family is. That determination is left to you.
In my culture families have multiple children so that they may help work and bring money to the table. The more children they had, the better. Once the kids grew up they would go out and begin to work. School was not the first priority if you were poor. For example, when my grandpa was young, and he still lived in Mexico, he only went up to third grade. After that he began to help my great- grandmother and my great- grandfather on the farm. So having a big family came in an advantage.
Here in the United States many couples have fewer children. In the United States there are more opportunities then there are in other states. At this point in time more people go out and finish all of their education and get a career before they start a family. So having a big family is not on their “to do list”.
Nowadays, economy is very terrible. Some families may not be in the financial position to have many kids and two kids is also a struggle. With the economy being so bad, trying to support so many kids would be nearly impossible. So then you begin to see a trend of a decreasing number size in families.
Personally, I want a big family of my own. With so many people it’s just a lot going on. It will keep me running around and keeping busy. I will have additional help with house work, and taking care of the little ones. Most importantly, the surprises would never end. I grew up with babies always being around so I love having so many kids around.
Thus, the decision lies on you. It depends on what you prefer. Do you think a smaller family is better than a larger family? Or vice- versa
Friday, October 8, 2010
Teen Drivers?
Most states allow people to get a driver's license at the age of 16. Some people feel that 16 is much too young for the responsibility that comes with driving a car and that teenagers should not be allowed to drive until the age of 18. In your opinion, at what age should people be allowed to drive, and why?
For older drivers it may seem like 16 is too young of an age for teens to begin driving, but I think it's the perfect age. By starting at a younger age, drivers will become more alert to everything in their surroundings. Starting to drive at 16 is a great way to develop many skills. In addition some teens need to drive at 16 because many teens now work as well. 16 is not too young of an age to begin driving, it's the perfect age.
There is a lot of responsibility that come with a car when one begins to drive. You have to be able to multi- task while driving. As a driver you must be able to scan the road, look ahead and drive the vehicle. Multi- tasking comes naturally to many. As students in high school teens are taught to multi- task so it should not be anything difficult to do.
In order for a teen to begin driving at 16 they must take a class, so that they can take the written exam, to receive their permit. They have to have thirty hours in a classroom environment and eight hours behind the wheel training. Depending on where you go the prices range from about 175 dollars to 250 dollars. Many teens do not want to have to take the class so they just rather wait until they become 18 to get there license.
A number of teens do need to begin driving earlier than others. Now-a-days many teens have jobs and they must have some way to get to their job. By being capable to drive, it will be easier and faster to get around, instead of waiting for the bus or hoping their parent/ guardian can take them.
Many people do fear that teens are more prone to becoming distracted while driving, so the best thing to do is increase the age to begin driving. But there are countless rules for teen drivers that will lower that risk of teens becoming distracted. They are not allowed to drive with people in the car other than their immediate family, they cannot use their cell phones at all (including a Bluetooth device), and they have certain hours in which they are allowed to drive.
There is always a good and bad in a group. Unfortunately, a few people always ruin it for the rest. There are some 16 teen year old drivers who can handle the responsibility of being a driver, and there are some who cannot. It should not affect all drivers though. The maturity level of many 16 year olds is very high.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Physical Therapist
If I was a doctor I would be a physical therapist. I would like to be the doctor of a sports team. Being a teams physical therapist I would be sure that all players are taken care of when they have been hurt. I will nurse all players into the rehibilitation process. That way when they step back out onto that court or field they will feel brand new.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Twenty- Feet Tall
Up in the clouds, looking down
I'm all alone, there's nothing around me
From up above everyone lookis like little ants
I don't move cause I'm scared I'll hurt them
They ignore me like I'm not there
Lonely, cold, and afraid
I wish for a friend
One who shares what I feel
And together we'd be the loners of the sky
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Soccer Mania
For the past 10 years, there is one thing I have done, non- stop, other than school. That is, of course, soccer. I started playing soccer when I was about 6 or 7 years old. Since then I have not stopped. Over the years my skills have progressed dramatically. I may not be the best player, but it is what I am best at. other than soccer and school I have nothing else to fall back on. But I don't mind because I really enjoy all the time soccer takes up. It keeps me busy, and it's what I love the most.
Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010
San Diego (Open Cup California State 2008)
We were one of the two AYSO teams in the tournament. All the other teams were club teams. We were in U- 14 playing against U- 16 girls. These girls were two years older than we were. We also had two 11 year old's on our team. Club teams are considered to be superior to AYSO, but by in the end of this tournament, that changed. It was a club tournament and from all of those club teams, the two teams left in the finals were two AYSO teams. Sadly, the hardest team we played was the other AYSO team. We won the finals and we were very excited. An AYSO team in a club tournament won the whole tournament. Winning that first place position was the best thing that ever happened to our team.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Invisible Powers- Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Now you see me, now you don't
I'm invisible, watching your every move
I'll follow wherever you go, just to stay close
You feel a piercing stare
You turn around, I'm not there
Now you see me, now you don't
look over there in that corner, there I am
Double take, I'm gone
Feelin' dizzy, your seeing things
I'm here, I'm there
Now you see me, now you dont
I'm invisible, watching your every move
I'll follow wherever you go, just to stay close
You feel a piercing stare
You turn around, I'm not there
Now you see me, now you don't
look over there in that corner, there I am
Double take, I'm gone
Feelin' dizzy, your seeing things
I'm here, I'm there
Now you see me, now you dont
Friday, October 1, 2010
Anthony Mathew Rivera
Anthony and I grew up together. We were always very close. But as we grew older, we also grew apart. We aren't as close as we used to be. We would play with eachother and tell eachother everything. We were inseperable. Spending a whole afternoon with him would help us catch up and go back to the relationship we once had. It would do us good. Even if we don't go back to the relationship we had when we were kids, it would be a good experience to see who my cousin is. Every moment is a memory to remember.
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