The significance of cooperation to me means working together with at least one other person to benefit both sides. If only one side is benfited than there was no mutual cooperation. Both sides have to benefit in some way, shape, or form. According to the dictionary, Cooperation means an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit. Based on this, my original understanding of cooperation was very good.
Cooperation to me is a very important subjuect. Simply summed up, cooperation makes things a whole lot easier for both sides. Imagine a scene wher you and other students had to conduct a science experiment. As a student that is a task I have encountered before. When I am in a group where there is a person who doesn't want to help in any way, every one else gets more work. On the other hand, when every member of our group chooses to cooperate and do their share of the work, the project gets done faster and easier. Cooperation is important to me because it makes my life easier as well as the other person's life or persons lives. Cooperation outside of school also carries some importance, especially when it involves my safety or that of my loved ones, for example if one out of a duo of mass murderes was to get caught, I would certainly want the criminal that is caught to cooperate with the police so that his partner can also get caught. When cooperation in situations where it is needed is used life goes a little more smoothly for all individuals involved.
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