Monday, October 18, 2010

Explaining Outdoor Living To Someone in the City

     The soft wind whistles through the trees and you take a deep breath of pure air. You hear birds singing and the wind running through the wheat. It relaxes you and slowly drifts you to sleep. The only motor you ever hear running is the tractor going through the rows of crops. The scenery is amazing. As the sun begins to hide the mountains it casts a beauty of colors. The sky pure and clear soon, then, begins to twinkle with lights, like those of the city.
     Out in the country it is peaceful and quiet. In the city it is loud and erratic. Everyone is always rushing to get nowhere. They do not ever stop to take a breath. In the city the lights never go off. You can not see the beautiful stars of just take a deep breath of pure air. With all the polution in the city it nearly imposible to see the sky pure blue. The stars do not exist in the city.
     You can experience so much beauty in open land that you cannot experience in the city. The only beauty you can get from the city is the various lights that just brighten everything. Life in the rural is calm, it slows everything down. Life in the city is quick, the time never stops.

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